On Behalf of CNP
Quick, Easy Ways to Maintain Your Property Between CNP Cleanings
Tubs and Shower Stalls
Alkaline deposits in the water are the cause of the spots you see on your glass doors and shower walls. In many cases, by applying car wax to these areas it seals any porous surfaces, which makes cleaning easier and keeps water spots away. Reapply twice yearly.
Squeegee or wipe down your shower after each use. This is a very effective way to limit additional buildup.
Switch to liquid soap, natural soap or Dove. It’s the talc in most bar soaps that causes the buildup.
Maintain your shower between cleans by spraying a citrus based cleaner once a week. Let the product sit and then rinse. No scrubbing needed!
The Green Alternative
Mildew Remover
- Dissolve together ½ cup, vinegar
- ½ c. borax in warm water.
- Apply with sponge or spray bottle
Soap Scum Remover
- Mix together: ½ c. baking soda
- 2-3 tbsp. liquid soap
Remember spray on and give it ten minutes to dissolve the dirt so the product can work effectively.
Keep ahead of mildew so it doesn’t become a problem. In between CNP cleans you can spray your bathroom ceiling with a 50/50 solution of hydrogen peroxide and water. Peroxide is a safe bleach and will not harm the environment or your lungs. Find larger quantities of peroxide at beauty or medical supply stores. Spray the mixture on and leave it. No need to rinse or scrub.
Ring around your toilet? Again, alkaline deposits cause those nasty rings. Depending on the hardness of your water, pour one or two cups of white vinegar into the toilet basin once a month to eliminate the problem.
The Green Alternative
¼ cup of baking soda into bowl and drizzle with vinegar and borax. Then let it sit for 30 minutes, flush and you’re done.
Once a month, pour one cup of baking soda, followed by one cup of white vinegar down the drain. Wait an hour and flush with warm water. The combination fizzles away most of the buildup. Works for shower, tub and kitchen sink drains as well.
Water deposits build up around faucets and drain areas. When cleaning the faucets, soak white vinegar on a paper towel and place around the trouble area. When cleaning the drain area, plug the drain and pour 1/2 cup white vinegar in the sink and wait. The key is time. Give the white vinegar time to dissolve the alkaline deposits. Scrub using a stiff, bristled, nylon toothbrush or use steel wool (pad 0000). These will not scratch. Dampen the pad, keeping it good and wet, and gently scrub.
Warning: Do not use orange based or powdered cleansers on brass or gold-plated faucets. These fixtures corrode and scratch quickly. Dry these faucets after each use to prevent water spot damage.
Odor Control
Commercial fresheners work by masking smells, coating nasal passages and deadening nerves to diminish sense of smell. Instead:
- Find the source of the odor and take care of that issue first
- Remember to keep all closets and bedrooms well-ventilated and open
- Grow lots of house plants
The Green Alternative
Simmer cinnamon sticks, orange peels, or cloves in water. Place the water in a container and put in each room. This will absorb the odor.
To absorb odors, place 2 to 4 tbsp. baking soda or vinegar in small bowls in refrigerator and around the house and pour ½ cup baking soda in the bottom of trash cans.
Warning: Be cautious using orange-based cleaners to clean a kitchen. Some contain petroleum distillates, which break down the rubber in many kitchen hardware such as rubber gaskets around refrigerators and dishwashers.
Make your own safe, all-purpose cleaner by filling a spray bottle half full with water add a squirt or two of Ivory Liquid dish soap then finish filling with water. It’s cost effective, is safe around most kitchen surfaces and doesn’t leave a residue.
Standard Surfaces: The Ivory mixture cleans most kitchen surfaces and appliances.
Stain Removal: A 50/50 solution of hydrogen peroxide and water will remove most stains. Blot on the spot and let it set 30 minutes. Then scrub lightly with baking soda if needed.
Insider Tip: Shaving cream does a great job on difficult stains.
Marble: Do not use anything other than neutral ph soap on marble. (Hint: if it’s safe for your hands it’s safe for your marble. Ivory dish soap is an excellent choice.) Harsher cleaners will damage the surface. Always dry marble to prevent water spots. Marble can stain easily, so wipe spills immediately. Do not use vinegar or orange-based cleaners to clean marble. The acid in these cleaners will damage the surface. Peroxide is safe for stain removal.
Tile: Tile grout poses its own difficulties because of its porous surface. This means your cleaners may not work on removing the discoloration left behind by a stain. When spills happen, you must wipe and clean immediately. The longer a spill sets, the better chance of it staining. Have a ready bottle of a mix of 50/50 solution of hydrogen peroxide to water in a spray bottle. Spray the stain and allow it to set for 30 minutes. Re-treat if needed.
Warning: Do not use peroxide on colored grout. It’s bleach and will take the color out of the grout.
Club soda will also help remove the stain if poured on immediately. Shaving cream does a good job as well. Spray on and allow it to set for 30 minutes. Tile stores carry a chalk like stick that is safe for any color grout. Drag it across the stain and remove after an hour or so. Reapply if necessary.
Best way to prevent discoloration on your tile floor is to keep a good sealant on the tiles and especially the grout. You’ll find good sealants at tile stores.
Stainless Steel: Scratch marks are impossible to remove, so prevention is important. Always place a rubber mat in stainless steel sinks, do not allow food to sit on stainless steel surfaces and rinse your sink often and pat dry to avoid staining.
To remove burned-on food from the surface of a stainless steel stove, boil some water and pour directly onto the spill. Let it set a few minutes. That helps loosen the food making removal easier. Never cook on high heat with stainless cookware. Use medium heat only; never let the pans boil dry. Use steel wool 0000 for scrubbing stainless steel, as this pad will not scratch.
Corion: Use only mild cleansers like Ivory for Corion. Harsh detergents will damage the surface. Remove tough stains with Cameo, baking soda or a 50/50 solution of hydrogen peroxide and water. Corion can be sanded lightly using number 800 sandpaper. This sandpaper is gray and called wet or dry sandpaper. Rub very gently. Be sure to keep the paper wet.
What Should You Look for From a Cleaning Service?
We Have a Few Ideas for You
When you are looking for a cleaning service, it is important to know that the company you hire is not only trustworthy, but also grounded to the community and not a ‘fly-by-night’ outfit that is here today and gone tomorrow. Your time is valuable and we want to help you have more time to spend on things you would rather be doing than cleaning. One way to have more time on your own is to find the right cleaning service, not have to go find a new service 2 weeks after you hire them.
Need to Know Information About Your Cleaning Service
We send out information packages to our clients when they sign up for our service. This includes our guarantees and insurance policies to give you the peace of mind that CNP is a company you can trust.
(469) 833-4155
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